How to Overcome The Endometriosis

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Sashealth - Endometriosis is a disease in which patches of endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, whereas in normal circumstances is found only in the endometrial lining rahim.Usually endometriosis confined to the lining of the abdominal cavity or abdominal cavity surface.
The misplaced endometrium is usually attached to the ovaries and uterus ligaments backer.

Besides the endometrium can also be attached to the outer layer of the small intestine and large intestine, ureter (the tube connecting the kidney and bladder), bladder, vagina, stomach tissue in the abdomen or chest cavity lining. Sometimes the endometrial tissue grows in the lungs.

Numbers of Incident

Endometriosis is estimated to occur in 10-15% of infertile women aged 25-44 years, 25-50% of infertile women and may also occur in adolescence. Severe endometriosis can cause infertility because of his path the egg from the ovary to the uterus.

Endometriosis can be lowered and more often found in the first offspring (mothers, daughters, sisters). Other factors that increase the risk of endometriosis is to have an abnormal uterus, first gave birth at the age above 30 years and whites.


High risk of endometriosis found at:

• Women whose mother or sister with endometriosis
• menstrual cycle is 27 days or less
• Menarche (first menstruation) occurs earlier
• Menstruation lasts for 7 days or more
• Orgasm when menstruating.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that could be expected to trigger the onset of the disease. Eg air pollution, visual impressions are quickly ripen axis hormones, diet that contains residues, and low physical activity.


Endometriosis can cause:

• lower abdominal pain is progressive and occurs in close thigh and during menstruation (dysmenorrhea), the cause may be something to do with vascularization and hemorrhage in a nest of endometriosis at the time before and during menstruation.

• Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), due to endometriosis in the pouch of Douglas.

• Pain during defecation, especially during menstruation. Caused by the presence of endometriosis on the wall rektosigmoid / bladder.

• Infertility, because if tubal mobility impaired because of fibrosis and adhesions to surrounding tissue.

• Network endometrium attached to the bowel or bladder can cause abdominal swelling, pain during bowel movements, rectal bleeding during menstruation or lower abdominal pain when urinating.

• Network endometrium attached to the ovary or the structure surrounding the ovary can form a blood-filled mass (endometrioma). Sometimes endometrioma rupture and cause sharp abdominal pain that arises suddenly.

Sometimes symptoms are not found at all.


Treatment depends on the symptoms, pregnancy plans, age of onset and severity of the disease.
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