Sashealth - Allergy - There are people who when eating certain foods, his body straight red, bump-bumps, itching and others, even to the shortness of breath. Sometimes it is not only caused by food, but the complaint may also be experienced by a person if fatigue, stress, taking a medicine or the weather is unsuitable. All these symptoms are called allergens. Allergies are an abnormal reaction in the body caused by substances that are harmless.
Allergies occur when there is contact of certain substances that are usually, in a normal person does not cause a reaction.
In physiological human body has several systems that control the body, one of which is the immune system. The immune system is a system that protects the body from the danger of foreign substances that enter the body. The immune system is controlled antibodies produced by B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes in a person's body. So all the substances that enter and contact with the body will be detected by this antibody. If a foreign substance is not harmful to health it will be well received, whereas if it is harmful foreign substance will be bound and neutralized by antibodies. This antibody reactions often cause allergic symptoms such as red, swollen, itching, shortness of breath and others. Foreign substances that can stimulate the emergence of allergies are called allergens.
Allergic process itself takes place in stages. First, if the body possessed by something harmful foreign substance, the antibodies will attach to mast cells of the body and stimulate mast cells to produce histamine. Furthermore, histamine will attack the substance of allergen until symptoms develop itching, redness, bumps and lainlain. Actually, everyone always occur between the antibody reaction to foreign substances (allergens). However, these reactions do not develop until the cause of symptoms and complaints. Only on very sensitive people may develop antibodies against allergic complaints.
Looking at the structure of the body, substances can be allergens enter the body through the mouth, nose and skin. Allergens through the mouth usually from food and cause allergies in the gastrointestinal tract and will spread throughout the body. While passing through the nose, an allergen stimulates the respiratory tract. Respiratory allergies usually cause symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, coughing to shortness of breath. While the contact through the skin will usually give rise to allergic contact a local at the site.
Determining the cause of allergies can be done in the following ways:
• Avoiding substances suspected as allergens, then after the symptoms disappear, try again substance. For example, when the suspected allergen is the food, then you should stop eating these foods. After symptoms disappear, try to eat it again and see if the same reaction.
• Perform an allergy test and see the family history and the history of the frequency of the attacks occurred. When one of the parents suffer from allergies, then the likelihood of disease risk was lowered on a child about 25% -30%. Meanwhile, if both parents are patient, then the risk increases to 60% -70%. In addition to physical examination and investigations including skin allergy tests, x-rays, laboratory tests, and further tests if needed. Tests on the skin is a very simple examination to diagnose allergies. By providing specific substances on the skin of a person, can be known substance which is an allergen for that person. Injected substances in small quantities. If there is swelling at the injection was given, then the substance is an allergen.
Here are some tips to avoid allergies:
Maintain cleanliness of the environment, both inside and outside the home. Including not accumulate a lot of stuff in the house or in the bedroom can become a den of dust accumulation as a stimulus allergic reaction. Try not to keep animals in the house or put a pet cage around your home
Personal hygiene must also be considered to avoid dirt that can also be a source of allergic stimuli. For bathing, you should use warm water and try to shower the evening before 5 pm. And you should also avoid using hair dye
Do not use air freshener or perfume, anti-mosquito drugs. If your home there are lots of mosquitoes, use anti-mosquito racket.
Use a mattress or pillow of foam material instead of cotton. Use of cotton bed linens and wash once a week.
Avoid using the clothes of waool material (wool), use of cotton clothing
Air conditioning (AC) can be used, but should not be too cold
Keep an eye on any food or beverages or drugs that can cause allergic reactions. Avoid food, beverages and drugs. You must comply with the rules of your allergy diet
Consult with a physician who is an expert on allergies. Allergy emerging needs different treathment on each allergy sufferers.
The most precise handling is not allergic to the drugs but by avoiding the allergen. Theoretically, allergies can not be eliminated, but can be reduced and the frequency of severe attacks. Have allergies it is a fact of life is bitter, bitter melon bitter taste, but you can still live normally if you are properly managing the allergy.